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We are beyond proud and grateful to be a part of RetuRo’s journey, marked last week with the opening of a new sorting and counting center in Otopeni. The inauguration of RetuRo’s fourth and largest sorting and counting center took place in Olympian Nord Park Otopeni, increasing RetuRo’s collection capacity to over 50% of the total number of packaging sold in Romania over a calendar year, bringing RetuRo closer to the 65% collection rate target set for 2024. In its newest center, RetuRo will sort 1.8 billion packages, increasing its sorting capacity to 3 billion packages country wide. Additionally, 150 “green” jobs will be created by employing 150 people at this new facility.

RetuRo is in the midst of the Deposit-Return System („DRS”) implementation, and the key to success of such a pioneering project in Romania lies in the cooperation and involvement of RetuRo’s stakeholders, producers, retailers, and, last but not least, responsible Romanians who have returned over 350 million packages so far.

RetuRo, a company based on the not-for-profit principle, has been assigned by law as the DRS’ administrator. RetuRo’s mission is to create a cleaner and greener environment and to achieve the collection and recycling targets set for Romania, at EU level, through the European Union’s new Circular Economy Package.

DRS represents the foundation of the circular economy in Romania, being set to become the second largest in Europe, and the world’s largest centralized national DRS by volume of beverage packages, reverse vending machines, and collection points.

We are beyond proud and grateful to be able to support RetuRo’ endeavors as its legal advisors, as regards all its logistics operations, warehousing deals, logistic services, transport arrangements and other related matters.

Andreea Hulub

Andreea Hulub

Andreea is largely recognized as an expert in the mergers & acquisitions field, having 15 years of experience during which she handled a broad range of M&A transactions, assisting various clients, from local entrepreneurs to large international strategic players, and private equity funds.